Your place of study in the UK has a Career Services will help you to connect the world of work. They offer a wide range of help and support, including:
Help with resume writing and job counseling to prepare for job interviews information about what, AOS, since the work in the United Kingdom..They will also help you to work on first-hand experience should establish professional contacts and opportunities.

Many British institutions have partnerships with local employers to work for her students, AI, so they want to hear, Äôll need flexibility to work your numbers studies.National insurance for foreign students.If you work while studying in the UK want, you must apply for a national insurance. National Insurance is the United Kingdom, the Social Security program, the AO provides for payment to those who are unemployed, disability or are retired. Your social security number is your personal account number, your contributions are recognized properly guaranteed.
To make an appointment for an interview, social security number, like you, AORE UK, phone 0845 600 0643 von 06.00 bis 8.00 clock on weekdays. If you are deaf or speech difficulties, call 0845 600 0644th
During your interview, you will need to revise the proof of identity (passport, birth certificate or bank statement), your right in the UK (passport sticker or stamp of identity) and the details of your offer of employment. Your new employer may allow you to work before your number will be issued and additional information about your National Insurance numbers pay.For deduct visit the Jobcentre Plus website.Recent changes in the British system for student visas: for mature students in UK for more than six months.The British government study announced some changes in level 4, which becomes effective third March, 2010.

Most of these changes is not affected when you make your immigration application to Tier 4, a course at degree level or higher, or a foundation degree study. However, changes do not apply to you, if you for immigration to Tier 4 from 3 March apply for a course that is below the level of degree and not studying a change in the foundation course. The not-to-child or student can apply Visas.You visitors to find additional information in the UK Border Agency website.The British Council for support and advice to students as quickly as possible available through our offices around the world.