Online Training
Just download online education or web-enabled education at the university, college or give Institutons online education. In other words, the question is academic and freight shipping of study materials, automatic reals, of course, and all other requrements for the completion of a course for students through online education, but Net. Slowly, the preferred means of education in India, contributing not only to the regular universities and institutions, but also other private organizations such as publishers, IT companies KPOS join the fight and help spread education through cyberspace.
It is bound to be some overlap of the training online distance education programs. While there are some similarities between the two, especially on DLP (Distance Learning Program), students may be required by the respective universities to visit the campus in the program. This is usually not the case with online education that almost the entire course content, discussion, answers to questions that teaches all online.
In India, one of our users is net all three of them, the e-learning and education provide. It is actually 35% of all network users in the country. And what is happening at all levels and especially some of the big names investing in this type of education today medium.The UPA government in February 2009 by the National Mission for Education launched (NME) with the help of information technology and communications.
"The plan will cost a total of U.S. $ 950,000. NME is to improve access, equity and quality in higher education, the country through the use of ICT and e-content and connectivity to all universities. It is hoped that governments with the active participation of the State be. Under this scheme, the Central Government new generation modules of knowledge and digital content and 75 percent cost of Internet connectivity, while the rest is borne by state governments. The two main components of the NME is the creation of learning content with scanned documents, e content and provides connectivity and access devices for institutions and students.